Introducing the newest addition to our sunglasses collection from a company with a cause: Aframes Eyewear.

AFrames founders Jay Parkin, Wes Stoody, Maggie Stoody sporting their Aframes. Founded on the belief that companies have a responsibility to make a difference in the world, Aframes founders, Wes Stoody, Jay Parkin, and Maggie Stoody have made their cause the eradication of Vitamin A deficiency, which is the leading cause of blindness in children throughout the world.

Aframes has partnered with Helen Keller International and donates 5% of their total revenue. This money is used to distribute vitamin A supplements to the places that need it most, helping save the sight and lives of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. $1 can provide a child with a year's worth of supplements. 


All the frames are named after countries (Bangladesh, Cameroon, Mali, Mozambique, and Senegal) that are helped by donations from Aframes and Helen Keller International. Service is carrying all five styles in various colors. The frames are made of high quality acetate and feature vintage inspired seven barrel riveted hinges.  The lenses are polycarbonate, polarized, and have an anti-reflective coating.